Project Documents and Images: Primary School project

September 2008

Images are available for other phases of the project. You can get a complete overview from the Primary School project image initial page.


In June 2008, we exchanged email with Mr. Seidu about further planning for the project.

Planning for Primary School Project: June 2008
An exchange of email with Mr. Seidu for project planning
Adobe Acrobat Document 38.7 KB

In September 2008, Mr. Seidu provided us with a project progress report--and a letter of thanks--to all who have been so generously providing financial support.

Progress Report: September 2008
State of the Primary School project in September 2008
Adobe Acrobat Document 180.0 KB
Letter of Appreciation - September 2008
Letter of Appreciation - September 2008

Images of construction work during the latest phase of the project